
cenit o cénit. (Del m. or. que acimut, por error de transcripción de los copistas). 1. m. Astr. Intersección de la vertical de un lugar con la esfera celeste, por encima de la cabeza del observador. Punto mas alto del cielo. 2. m. Punto culminante o momento de apogeo de alguien o algo

Friday, May 20, 2005

Humanitys Team UK, my latest project

Finally I made it!

Today, after soo long, I launched Humanitys Team UK website.
I am so happy!

Here my reasons:

1. Technically speaking This is my first website designed & produced with web standards. For me, this was a quantum leap from the old way I used to work. It was tough... but I made it.

Regarding this point, my biggest satisfaction is that in theory everybody would be able to see it properly: Firefox, Netscape, Safari, Opera, Explorer (Mac) and well...my worst nightmare: Explorer for Windows. Such a shame is the one that 99% of the population uses!

2. Besides, having 3 websites running on the UK will look quite trendy in my mexican CV :)

3. But I guess the most important of all, is that I consider this one as a very personal project.

I am deeply involved in HT's philosophy, (no guess why I am a member) and I can proudly say that CwG Book series changed my life. (oh yes).

Since I read Book One (my favorite) I've never had such an intimate, joyful, nurturing, fun and absolutely inspiring relationship with God.

For me it was so important to share the beautiful concepts I learned. I wished people could feel the same warmth and certainty I did.
That is why I took an active approach, and commiting to my yearning I offered myself as a volunteer to build HT UK website.

No one of my paid projects gave me such bliss, joy and sense of belonging as this one did.

The website will spread hope, strenght and love. The community will grow bigger, and the ripple effect will continue.

Now I am happy.
I know for sure I am contributing actively to make this world a better place to BE.


Thursday, May 19, 2005

El Tercer Mandamiento del Viajero

Como ya lo comente anteriormente, en el Tercer Mandamiento del Viajero platicar con tus companieros de viaje es una de las experiencias mas enriquecedoras, divertidas y sorprendentes que puede haber.

Ahora que regrese de Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca (digo, tenia q curarme el trajin con una buena dosis de playa y harto amor tropical) como estaba aburrida me puse a platicar con un chico que me conto como es la gente en el interior del estado de Oaxaca.
Nada agradable por cierto.

En mi siguiente viaje, de regreso del Puerto de Veracruz a la Ciudad de Mexico, la aplicacion del Tercer Mandamiento me llevo a aprender como vuelan los aviones.

El Sr. del asiento contiguo salio tan platicador como yo, y me dio una version Plaza Sesamo de la licenciatura de piloto aviador.

Por si no fuera poco, me quise dormir pero tenia frio, asi que el amabilidoso piloto conversador se discutio con su chamarra.
Acto seguido de taparme el hombro izquierdo (no se porque solo me da frio si tengo el hombro izquierdo descubierto) hice la debida introspeccion zzzzzzen.

No cabe duda que cuando uno platica el viaje se pasa volando y es increible cuanto puedes aprender!